It was 5 a.m., and I knew why I did not sleep.
This post is a reference to the post published in June 2018. The name of the post was “6 a.m.” I wrote there that since the beginning of March 2018, I started to wake up at 6 a.m. regularly. A few months earlier, I gave up drinking alcohol. Undoubtedly, this decision much helped me in waking up at 6 a.m. Why did I start to get up on this particular part of the day? It was because I wanted to write posts for the blog in the morning. I realized that the fresh mind, soon after waking up, is the best for me regarding writing new things, straight out of my mind. Now, it is the 5 a.m. hour that is good for me to wake up and write a post. Why? What did change after writing a post “6 a.m.”?
First of all, since the beginning of April 2020 (I wrote this post on the 14th of April 2020), I changed my accountancy job. I have to be in the office at 8 a.m. Thus, to be a prolific writer, I should aim to wake up at 5 a.m.
Secondly, I still do not drink alcohol. Since March 2018, I drank a few drinks or beers, but comparing to the quantity from the previous years, it is a symbolic amount. Do I afraid that I won’t be able to get up at 5 a.m. every working day? Yes, I am worried a little bit. The fact is that the more I am getting older, the more sleep I need. Thus, I sometimes cannot meet the deadline for waking up early in the morning.
What if I do not wake up at 5 a.m.? Would it be a disaster for me? Of course, not. I will be trying to write a post after coming back from work. The main message of this post is that I will be trying to get up early, but if I won’t do that, nothing wrong happens. The only thing I know that I will be still regularly writing.