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50 photo icons

Today I will write about the Taschen book, “50 photo icons.”

It is one of the best books I have ever read. It tells a story about fifty photographers who made astonishing and memorable pictures. This book is one of the most excellent examples of how valuable content and high-quality images can cooperate in a paper book. The album shows us how to tell a photographic story on the highest possible level. In the “50 photo icons” book, I found many stories shown not in a single image but in the whole series. While reading, watching, and analyzing all the content, the story becomes complete, closed, and never exhausted. After reading, we always want more — both literature and pictures.

What examples could I give you, my Dear Friend, from the “50 photo icons” book?

For example, Andre Kertesz’s “Meudon,” Dennis Stock’s “James Dean on Times Square,” Henri Cartier-Bresson’s “Germany, “Bert Stern’s “Marylin’s last sitting” or Joel-Peter Witkin’s “Un Santo Oscuro.”

Nevertheless, the fact is that I the way of presenting photographs and telling stories in a series of pictures, I learned during my photographic school. It is excellent to say “Thank you” to my favorite teachers, Bartek Mokrzycki and Tomek Grzyb. They provided me with a lot of photographic knowledge and artistic inspiration.

The main topic is that the “50 photo icons” book inspired me to tell you, my Dear Friend, about my life. Indeed, I’ve been doing it regularly since September 2017 here on this website. I want to do this similarly and on the highest level as Taschen does. I want to take as many pictures and write content as possible. One of my biggest dreams is to publish a book about my artistic activity. This blog and “Diaries” are sequential steps to reach the aim.
Do I already possess a photograph to cover my life’s history? It seems to me that not yet. Although there are a few favorites, I could already point them out.

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