I do not want to be a comforting artist, photographer, or writer.
I wrote this text on the 28th of February, 2024. It was a day when an idea struck my mind. What was the insight? I realized I do not want to be a comforting artist, photographer, or writer. I often hum deep in my mind the Beatle’s song “All You Need Is Love,” but I change only the lyrics to “All I have is doubt.” Yes, my Dear Friend. I do not bring comfort and relief with my artistic message. Undoubtedly, I want to communicate that doubts, anger, sadness, anxiety, uncertainty, and lack of stabilization await us, no matter how rich, influential, and powerful we become.
I do not want to say that human life is only suffering. No. It is mainly suffering and pain with short, elusive, and floating moments of happiness.
Of course, I know I’ve already written some posts when I stated that happiness is a choice.
Indeed, it is true. Still, the fact is that we can be simply happy knowing that life is a road to nowhere that leads to its ultimate destiny, that is, death. During death, no matter how many family members will be around us, sooner or later, a moment of transition appears. It is the moment when we come dead, about which we could say that we all sleep alone. Am I a pessimist? Perhaps I am. I try to be realistic with an optimistic attitude. So, where can we find optimism in this text?
Undoubtedly, when you read this text, my Dear Friend, you will realize you live here and now. Thus, you should close and turn off this fucking computer and smartphone, forget what I wrote, hug your beloved ones, and start living your own free, creative life because we have no guarantee we will get a second or third life after our death.