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A different perspective.

Art does not have a fixed value. Everyone has a different perspective.

An entitled different perspective of each of us gives us a unique outlook and prospects for all experiences. Thus, it is impossible to create something (with art at the forefront) that everyone will enjoy. That’s why I do not focus on fulfilling other people’s whims. What I do is create new things via my perspective and experiences I had. I gained the incentives for writing this text thanks to preparing a set of pictures entitled “Inspired by Tolkien.” I started to think that, undoubtedly, many people see faces in trees or other street objects. Still, not many of them photograph such anthropomorphic faces and publish them. I decided to do it because I have a different perspective.

The truth is that for the first time, I read Tolkien’s books (“The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”) when I was thirteen years old. I was fascinated by the magical world Tolkien created.

When I see anthropomorphic shapes on trees and other street objects, I have no doubt that I want to photograph them and publish them in the future. I do not care that some people will ignore, reject and make fun of it. They do it because they have a different perspective, and I would be stupid if I were mad at them. The indisputable fact is that I do not have an influence on other humans’ thoughts. That’s why I focus on fulfilling my creative dreams and visions by producing, among others, subsequent “Diaries'” editions or sets of pictures like “Negation of the End” or “Big Brother.”

A different perspective towards many aspects of broadly defined art only ascertains me that I do correctly by doing what I want to do and that I do not ask other people what they want to see. I cannot imagine Picasso or Dali asking their clients what should they paint or draw.

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