While walking and doing street photography on Warsaw’s streets on the 23rd of February, 2024 (it was also the day when I wrote this text), I ran across a mirror.  This unexpected encounter sparked a wave of spontaneity in my street photography journey.
When I saw it, I took a picture of this mirror. Then, I decided to see myself in its reflection and take a selfie. Was it the first time I did it? No, it wasn’t. On the contrary, almost every time I see a mirror left on the street, I want to see myself and take a picture of myself in its reflection. Still, today, I realized how much fun a mirror left on the street can bring to me.
While taking a selfie of myself, I felt like a child who had good fun while doing street photography. I do not have to mention I was wearing summer clothes, and it was relatively cold (for most other people, but not for me – it was 10 degrees Celsius [50 degrees Fahrenheit]). Also, it was raining. I do not have to mention many people stared at me with disbelief in their eyes.
Perhaps they thought I was crazy when they saw me taking a selfie in a mirror on one of the Mokotow district’s streets.
Their reactions, however, only reinforced my belief in the joy of self-expression and the importance of not caring about others’ opinions. Luckily, their thoughts cannot hurt me anyhow. What I know is that a simple item left on the street, e.g., a mirror, can bring a lot of fun to me. I believe we all should cherish a child living deep in our souls. Within the next month, I will be 39 years old. Still, I think a child living in my mind and heart is quite happy and content with life, even if sometimes though and hardship appears from all world’s directions (with the fucking attacking Ukraine at the forefront).
What I suggest to evoke a childish spirit in your mind, my Dear Friend, I recommend starting creating something out of nothing (e.g., by doing street photography or writing), intermittent fasting (I do not eat earlier than 7 p.m. daily), exposing the body to cold (e.g., by taking cold showers or walking in summer clothes in frigid temperatures) and working out (e.g., by walking or doing dead hangs).
The featured image in this post is not the one mentioned in the next. It was taken on March 9, 2023.