I’ve built a routine that I do not want to escape from.
It is the first text I wrote in 2024. To be more precise, I wrote it on the 1st of January, 2024. During this year, I will be able to say I have managed the www.adammazek.com blog for seven years (precisely, I can tell it in September 2024). Moreover, I will be able to state I have done street photography for nine years (I can say it in October 2024). Throughout all these years, I’ve built a routine that I do not want to escape from. This routine consists of walking, doing street photography, writing, reading, and preparing subsequent “Diaries” editions and sets of pictures like “Negation of the End” or “Transience.”
I devote most of my spare time to all these creative activities.
I am tremendously happy by doing it. Thanks to the broadly defined act of creating, I fill my life with something meaningful. My life has a purpose. Even if I cannot precisely describe it, I feel it is connected with being creative. Throughout the years of being creatively active, I worked out an artistic routine that helped me to keep going with all the creative things I love doing. I do not intend to change or stop it. Perhaps only if it will be better for my creative workflow will I adjust it in the future. I won’t provide details of my creative workflow in this text. In general, I would compile my creative routine to walk and do street photos wherever and whenever possible.
Also, when I have an idea to write a text, I note it down immediately.
Moreover, I try to write at least one text daily. Going further, I also try to schedule a post for my website daily. By scheduling a post, I mean adding my text written in the past with three photos I took and queueing the post to be published in the future. When I have more free time, I work on subsequent “Diaries” editions or sets of pictures. I think I devote more than 80% of my spare time to all these activities.