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Accept it.

Yesterday (I wrote the current text on the 17th of November, 2022), when I took a walk at 3 degrees Celsius (37,4 degrees Fahrenheit), the only thing I had to tell myself was, “Accept it.”

Adam Mazek Photography 2023. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Accept it." Minimalism.

What did I want to accept? It was cold. I walked in summer clothes without a winter cap or gloves. I dressed as I would go out outside 20 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit). Well, I must admit it was cold outside. While writing this text, it was 9 p.m. I think I will take a 40-minute walk at 11 p.m. Why? Because the weather forecast says it will be -3 degrees Celsius (26.6 degrees Fahrenheit). I’ve never walked in summer clothes without a winter cap and gloves in frigid temperatures. Of course, I am afraid. Yesterday, while walking, I only told myself that I must accept the cold.

There is no use in resisting, in fighting against coldness. What I know is that I must be with myself.

I noticed yesterday that I cannot think about pain and cold while walking. When I do it, my fingertips start to hurt. My fingertips hurt at the end of my walking, even though I did not think about the pain. The only thing I could do was accept it. Am I afraid of the cold? Yes, I am. To inspire myself not to be scared of the cold, I watched one of Wim Hof’s movies on YouTube when people climbed the Sniezka mountain in Poland (1,602 meters (5,256 ft) in the freezing temperature, in shorts. I want to try to do a similar thing but in Warsaw.

The truth is that I do not want to wait for traveling to feel cold. I want to push myself forward. Ok, I think I will stop writing this text. I will put on the t-shirt and go out to challenge myself. I want to fight against my worst enemy, myself, by exposing my body to freezing temperatures.

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