I believe that one of the crucial things to become successful in the modern world lies in the “adaptation” word. Once again in my life, I reminded myself words of the famous Hong Kong/American actor, Bruce Lee.
I have already written in one of my previous posts that we all should be like water. What does it exactly mean to me? Today, I will try to explain by writing about doing sports. Today, my main workout is walking with a camera in my hand and stretching on the mat in my house.
Nevertheless, the fact is that in autumn and winter generally, we spend more time at home. I do not possess as many occasions to make photographs as during spring or summer. It is the moment when I train my muscles more at home.
Speaking shortly: it is the moment when I have to adapt to the winter season, remain physically active, and not get fat.
I try not to get angry that during the autumn/winter season, I cannot walk as often as I would like. The daylight during that time is much shorter, so I walk less and stretch muscles more often. It is, of course, only one of the examples of how we can use adaptation to our lifestyle.
Luckily, while stretching, a lot of ideas come to mind. It is the same situation as while walking. This post is an example.
By trying to adapt my workout to the seasons, I try to be like water. It is the moment when I am focusing on the advantages of the seasons and not on the disadvantages. This rule I try to implement my whole life. I always try to remember Bruce Lee’s famous words and treat all the dangers and issues as not problems but as an occasion to develop my mind, soul, and body.