AI is limited because it won’t invent anything new; everything it knows has already been invented by human minds.
I wrote this text on the 19th of March, 2024. It was a day when I was doing street photography straight after my office job (long days are coming up!). While walking, I was writing inspiration. One of them was the title of this text: “AI is limited.” For today, it is hard for me to imagine Artificial Intelligence will come up with groundbreaking ideas. Of course, I can be wrong.
Nevertheless, for today, AI is based on everything the human mind came up with earlier.
While writing the first part of this text, I started to wonder whether I was wrong: Is AI truly limited? Artificial Intelligence may discover something (e.g., how to send rockets with astronauts to Mars smoothly and efficiently) because it will be able to cross-match many human ideas throughout the last decades and provide some groundbreaking solutions. I do not know what the future holds. What I know is that I decided to leave the initial title of this text, hoping that AI won’t be better at developing ideas than humans. The truth is that everything people have discovered in the past, each humanity’s invention, success, and groundbreaking ideas, were based on the workings of the human mind.
We do not owe anything to artificial Intelligence because it must still learn much from humans.
Thus, for today, while observing graphics presented by my colleagues from Facebook, I see AI is limited. Undoubtedly, it has its limits of wisdom. Still, what if AI will be able to use gathered human knowledge more efficiently than humanity itself? I live in exciting times. It is only the beginning of our romance with “intelligent” technology. I’d like to know in which direction this relationship will go.