There is no one good creative process, just as there is no one improper way of creating new things.
I would say all tricks are allowed unless one does not hurt third parties. The more I do street photography and write new texts, the more I see all creative processes are sound. Still, all of them are imperfect. I do not believe in a perfect creative process. Sooner or later, all artists will face writer’s block or a lack of inspiration to create something out of nothing. I have such periods on a mini-scale. The truth is that I am only a human. I know taking great shots and writing groundbreaking texts each day is impossible. Still, I have my own artistic rhythm.
I would name it a creative flow. This rhythm is good for me.
Still, I can easily imagine that my way of creative work won’t suit other people. Or, I can clearly imagine that something that suits other artists does not have to suit me. In today’s post, I want to stress, my Dear Friend, that if you have your own creative flow – stick to it and cherish it. Still, if you notice that you are stuck for a moment, can’t get out of the artistic block, and lack artistic inventions, do not panic. We all are simple living creatures with many dysfunctions. We won’t be perfect no matter what we will do in our lives.
If you are stuck, take a break, relax, chill out, forget about your good and bad creative processes, and do something entirely else.
Perhaps taking a nap could be the best thing to do while having writer’s block. Refrain from pushing yourself regarding being creative. I believe it is impossible to force yourself to become a creative artist. If your creative process fails, do not panic; let it go for a while, drop it, forget it, and you will return to it sooner than expected.