I am perhaps the first to do street photography wearing summer clothes (including a t-shirt with the name of one’s blog) in cold temperatures (+2 degrees Celsius [35,6 degrees Fahrenheit).
What does it mean? Well, it means that I somewhat unconsciously became a walking advertisement for my creative activity. I do it while being creative (taking photos on Warsaw’s streets), doing some exercises (I usually take a minimum of 10,000 steps each photo walk), and exposing my body to coldness (it is beneficial for my health). Is that all mean that I do it just for the sake of being the first one in something? No. As I mentioned before, it happened somewhat accidentally. Still, do you know, my Dear Friend, a street photographer who takes pictures on the streets wearing only a t-shirt in cold temperatures with the name of his blog on a t-shirt? I suppose that even Eric Kim is not as crazy as I am.
The truth is that for many years I’d been wondering if I ever would be the first one in something positive?
I have no doubt that taking photos on the streets is genuinely positive. I create something out of nothingness. The fruit of my works you can find, among others, in “Diaries” or in sets of pictures like “Negation of the End” or “Inspired by Tolkien.” Indeed, I suppose that I became the first street photographer who does crazy things like walking in a t-shirt only in cold temperatures and advertising my own artistic activity. I plan to do it until the end of my life or as long as my health permits me to do it. I do not know what I should tell you to do, my Dear Friend, to also become the first one to do something positive. Perhaps the only advice I can give you is to do what you love, from the bottom of your heart.
I wrote this text on the 19th of November, 2021.