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Artists are present.

Wherever I go, the artists are present. Why? It is because all the people are artists.

Adam Mazek Photography 2023. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Artists are present." Minimalism.

This text will only partially refer to Marina Abramovic’s performance named “The Artist Is Present.” For more information, check out the MOMA’s official website. Today (I wrote this text on the 20th of May, 2023), I want to stress that, speaking shortly, we all are creatures who can build and create practically out of nothing spectacular things. I did not know I was also an artist for most of my life. I thought that one has to be born an artist. How wrong I was! Today, I know we all are creative spirits. Of course, in many people, these spirits hide deep under one’s skin.

Evoking these spirits and getting out of one’s comfort zone is something many of us do not do and are afraid of.

Unfortunately, many people are somewhat blind to their creative powers. These are, for example, drunkards or drug addicts. They do not realize and know that they can create something rather than destroy themselves. I do not want to be one of them. That’s why I do not drink alcohol and do not do drugs. Speaking shortly: I do not want self-destruction.

Undoubtedly, thanks to doing street photography, writing, preparing subsequent “Diaries'” editions, preparing sets of pictures like “Negation Of The End” or “Transience,” working out, fasting, taking cold showers, and exposing my body to cold by walking in summer clothes in frigid temperatures, I have unbelievable powers to be one of the most prolific artists who ever stomped on this magnificent planet.

I want to encourage you, my Dear Friend, to follow your creative instinct and dream. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams and that you have all the creative spirits ready to work for broadly understood creation. I have no doubt that whenever I go, whether it will be a room full of people, I will tell myself:
Artists are present.

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