Tardigrades, known colloquially as water bears, are one of the most resilient animals on our planet.
They can survive extreme conditions, including harsh temperatures (high and low), severe pressures (high and low), lack of air, radiation, dehydration, and starvation, that would quickly kill other organisms. Tardigrades have even survived exposure to outer space. I wrote this text on the 28th of June, 2022, when it was 33 degrees Celsius (91,4 degrees Fahrenheit). It was the middle of the heatwave in Poland. I imagined myself being burnt by the sun like tardigrades were burnt by fire, but nothing happened to them. I must admit: I am neither a tardigrade nor a demigod.
Hot temperatures can overcome me. I do not treat my resignation from doing street photography during the heatwave as a failure.
It was a rational decision. I hope to live as long as possible, do street photography, and write new texts. Exposing my body to the burning sun and hot temperatures would not help me.
I wish to be like Tardigrades and be resilient to practically everything. Still, I know I am the only stardust that can vanish immediately because of its doomed fate.
The heatwave over Poland at the end of June 2022 was a massive influx of hot, African air that I did not try to overcome by walking for two hours and taking photos on Warsaw’s streets.
I am not a suicide. I do not want to face murderous temperatures. While writing all these things, I started to wonder if I would be able to expose my body wearing summer clothes (plus a winter cap and gloves) to -30 degrees Celsius (-22 degrees Fahrenheit). Undoubtedly, I would try doing it. I miss winter; I must admit it. I wish to be like tardigrades, but I know I am not. Thus, I consider resigning from street photography during a heatwave a rational decision.
I owe information about tardigrades thanks to my cousin, Barbara Walensa. Thank you, Basia!