Being skeptical of one’s knowledge may not be professional, but it allows one to grow.
The older I am, the more I feel it. In professional life, e.g., everyone aims to be a specialist in one’s professional area. It is the usual thing. We all want to be specialists in one or more scopes. Why? Because we want to develop and earn money. Still, in broadly defined life, being skeptical of one’s knowledge allows one to grow. We start looking for information if we do not know something and want to understand something. During this process, we can learn many other things. We realize we are developing when we finally find what we seek. Even if we talk about small steps, these are always steps that make us go further in our broadly defined development. That’s why I believe being skeptical is a positive phenomenon.
Do not fear being skeptical about your knowledge and other people’s.
I would go further. I want to encourage you, my Dear Friend, to be skeptical regarding many issues you read or hear. Do your research. Read. Analyze. Contemplate. Ask yourself and other people many questions—quest for the truth. Even if, e.g., something like universal truth does not exist in philosophical or scientific issues and we won’t ever find an answer to some questions, there is nothing wrong in asking and searching for answers. I do not compare myself to Albert Einstein. Still, he was the one who was always discussing with, e.g., his teachers and professors about adopted laws and rules, mainly in physics. He discovered one of the most remarkable scientific breakthroughs by doing it. He was very skeptical regarding the knowledge he was learning. I want to be like Albert Einstein. I do not want to take scientific and philosophical knowledge as granted.