Today (I wrote this text on the 4th of March, 2024), I will try to provide the benefits of listening to Metal/Trash music.
While driving from Brok to Warsaw yesterday, I listened to Metallica’s first album, “Kill ‘Em All.” It was a sort of part of the “Metal Feast” because, driving a few days earlier from the Polish capital to my beloved parents’ home in Brok, I listened to another Metallica album, “Master Of Puppets.” Nevertheless, returning to my journey yesterday, I found that the seemingly chaotic music allowed me to focus on the ride. Best of all, the music did not cause me at all to want to speed up my car. That being said, isn’t one of the benefits of listening to Metal/Trash music by chance that the music helps me focus?
The music also gave me other thoughts: doesn’t human life largely consist of functioning amid ostensible chaos (e.g., on the micro level – working in an office) or on the macro level (e.g., the war at the border of my homeland, or the turmoil of the coronavirus, or the change of power)?
Why is this chaos apparent? The limitation of our ability to comprehend the surrounding world makes it seem to us that there is chaos all around us. Thus, most of us believe that everything happens out of mere coincidence (this is what my so-called common sense tells me, for example), but will someone prove to me that it is otherwise and that, for example, our life and the entire Universe is one big, mystification or simulation? To be clear, I do not believe that the Earth is flat, and I do not dispute that the climate is warming. In short, I am not a proponent of conspiracy theories. And the hypothesis that the Universe may be a simulation is not my theory.
It was Rene Descartes in “Meditations on First Philosophy” who imagined the possibility of a “deceiving demon” that could provide our senses with the illusion of an apparently external world. This “demon” can render all our observations of the world as a mirage. By the way, do Metal/Trash bands sometimes refer to Satan? I do not want to state that we should look for universal truth in metal songs, but that even if we are sure we live in chaos, we can be simply wrong.