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Break from doing street photography.

I do not plan to take a break from doing street photography.

Still, between the 24th of June and the 4th of July, 2022, I merely had to take a break from street photography. I already mentioned a few days ago what caused this situation. A brutal heatwave appeared in Poland and stayed here for quite a long time. Today (I wrote this text on the 8th of July, 2022), I want to stress I will take a break from taking pictures on Warsaw’s streets only when I have to. For me, walking and photographing mundane reality is like breathing. I cannot imagine living without it. I will be doing it until my health permits me to do it. Intermitting fasting and exposing my body to cold can help me maintain good health. For me, both street photography, writing, and preparing subsequent „Diaries’” editions are an inseparable part of my health, to be more precise, my well-being.

I do not have to mention that, for me, the most crucial issue regarding having good health is the love of Kamilka. The truth is that I merely cannot imagine living without her.

Still, back to the opening of this topic, there can be other force majeure, like a heatwave, storm, or heavy rain, that can prevent me from playing street photography. I do not want and aim to be perfect because I am only a human. That’s why I know I do not have to do street photography daily. I can have worse days. If I had done street photography every day, the results would not be satisfying. I believe that everything in excess can be harmful and boring. Thus, I know that breaks from doing street photography can appear in my life. Ok, I will finish this writing and hug my beloved Kamilka.

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