I wonder what my breaking point is regarding walking outside in a t-shirt during autumn and winter.
Yesterday (I wrote this text on the 20th of September, 2021), I walked in the www.adammazek.com t-shirt and shorts when there were 10 Celsius (50 Fahrenheit) degrees outside. Did I feel cold? No. I saw people walking with winter coats and hats. Undoubtedly, it was cold for them. When I was walking in the temperature of 10 Celsius degrees in a t-shirt and jeans only, I wondered what my breaking point would be regarding similar walking during the late autumn and winter season between 2021 and 2022.
The truth is that when I was walking yesterday for two hours on Warsaw’s streets, there was also blowing cold wind. When I felt this wind, I sensed that it was only cooling me. The cold wind did not make me shake from cold. I was feeling only that wind was chilling my body. It brought my relief. I felt that I was alive. I have no doubt that walking in cold temperaturę with a t-shirt only will become my new hobby.
Of course, such walking does not prevent me from taking pictures on Warsaw’s streets.
That’s how I try to manage to mix my passions. While walking in a t-shirt in low temperatures, I plan to take photos and tough up my body by exposing it to cold temperatures. I do not know what the breaking point of my endurance in freezing temperatures will be, but I hope that I will have good fun while doing it. What’s more? By doing all these things, I plan to advertise my website (thanks to my t-shirts) and keep fit, because walking is good for health. Am I able to walk in the freezing cold, with minus temperatures? I do not know yet. Undoubtedly, I will provide an answer in the future.