I wrote this text on the 29th of February, 2024. It was a day when, not the first time in my life, I told myself I should cherish a kid living in my mind, heart, and soul. It’s a form of self-care that’s often overlooked but so crucial for our well-being.
I believe that deep inside all of us, a child lives. This child needs to be cared for and cherished. How do I cherish my inner, young Adam who lives in me and (I do not doubt that) will live in me until my life’s end? I do it by walking and doing street photography, writing, preparing subsequent ‘Diaries’ editions, and preparing sets of pictures like ‘Negation of the End’ or ‘Transience.’ I know I wrote about a similar topic in some of my previous posts. Still, if something is worth repeating, I do it. In today’s text, I want to appeal to you, my Dear Friend, to not forget about the young version of yourself living in you.
Letting this kid nurture his passion and lead the happiest possible life is only up to you.
If there are some activities that bring you a childish joy or that you loved to do when you were young, but for various reasons, you stopped doing them, let this kid come out of you again and let him play with the world as you would be in your young prime once again. These activities could be anything from painting, dancing, singing, or even playing a musical instrument. I work in a broadly defined Finance. Still, it does not prevent me from remembering a kid living in me. That’s why I do strange things, including walking in summer clothes in frigid temperatures or photographing old rags lying on the pavement.
Don’t you think it’s sometimes wise not to grow up?
As Mick Jagger sang in one of the most tremendous Rolling Stones songs, “100 Years Ago.” I leave you, my Dear Friend, with these words alone. If you still doubt, just listen to the song mentioned above.