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I love black and white photography. For me, colors except for black, white and grey, do not have to exist in my pictures.

Do I make my photographs directly in B&W? No. I always take pictures in colors. I edit photos into Black and White in Lightroom as post-processing. Once I heard a theory that it is better to take photos in color and then change it to B&W. For me, black and white photography is like dreamlike sights. The fact is that I possess my style regarding presenting my pictures and that I chose black and white photography.

Is that mean that I do not like colors? Of course not.

I discovered the power of colors while designing all my “Diaries” editions. Here, I feel like a child playing with colorful felt-tip pens that color his books. The fact that I publish my photographs in B&W does not mean that I cannot present my books in colors. While designing my subsequent editions of “Diaries,” I noticed that choosing and playing with colorful layouts is entertainment for me. While doing that, I discover a new artistic dimension in my activity. Playing with colors in my e-books is a unique experience for me. While doing that, I find out a new site of art.

When I am starting to prepare a new number of “Diaries,” I often wonder which colors I will use this time.

Also, I see that my grey, black, and white images present magnificently in colorful background. That’s why I loved colors. They started to provide a lot of inspirations and insights into my artistic activity. I aim to make hues a new, remarkable feature of my publishing activities. I hope that readers will be glad of my job. Moreover, I would say that I will be happy if someone notices that colors are an integral part of my self-publishing activity.


Do I plan to publish my photographs colorfully? I will probably do it, but not today.

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