Why do I not think other photographers are competitors for themselves and me?
Nowadays, all people can take breathtaking pictures daily. In the age of ubiquitous smartphones, everyone is a photographer. We all can create art. That is the truth. It is only up to us whether we want to invest our time and energy to develop our passion. It is all at one’s fingertips.
Thus, I do not regard other photographers as competitors. Competing with the whole society would be no sense for me.
I am sure that most of the people see during their daily routines a lot of fantastic views to take pictures. Paradoxically, people see them, but they do not record their sights in the brain, memory, and imagination. Their thoughts are usually somewhere else. These are the scenes often unnoticed. What is worse, those scenes which were noticed, rarely are photographed. Moreover, if people make images, they not always present them in public.
As we can see, the critical point is how much time and energy people want to devote to their passion.
I think that in general, mundane problems affect a lot of people’s minds. People, especially in big cities, do not have time to analyze what they see. Most people have enough time and energy to observe their surroundings only during their holidays. It is one of the reasons why photos taken during vacations are often excellent and charming. We can afford to analyze our surroundings when we are relaxed and when other earthbound issues (connected with health, family, finance, etc.) do not bother our psyche.
When I realized all these things, I noticed that potentially we all could become a good photographer.
Thus, it is much easier to do not treat other people as competitors and focus only on the personal process of creating. This process and art as a whole is not the business. It is something much more than it. I would say that it is a way of life. It’s my way. If everyone can shoot a marvelous picture, it would be tough to treat all other people as competitors.
Another thought is that I think photography is a very democratic tool for creating art. Today everyone who possesses smartphones can make outstanding images. Everyone can create a fan page on Facebook, Instagram, or create one’s platform, as I did. By the way, I think that building your own site is the key to success not only in photography in modern times. In my opinion, a lot of fan pages on Facebook and other social media websites somehow standardize Artworks. Sometimes, when I see a breathtaking picture on Facebook, I have a feeling that I saw this image before on other profiles. It happens because the way people show their photos is more or less forced to look similar. For me, it is probably the most significant disadvantage of social media websites.
That’s why I decided to invest primarily in my time and some amount of money to have big fun in running my blog.
Like I said before, for me, photography is not the tool to do the business. It is a toy for an adult who likes to ask himself a lot of questions. And do you know what’s most exciting? It is the fact that it’s only the beginning. Thus, other photographers are not the competitors, but mates in the playground.