Why don’t I describe all the details of my life?
Unlike the world of finance, nothing has to be transparent and evident in the art world. On the contrary – nothing has to match in the world of art. Undoubtedly, each of us is a divine and eternal mystery. It is impossible to describe one’s thoughts and feelings in words. Speaking briefly, it is impossible to write down all the details of my life. That’s why I focus on these details, which I want to be focused on.
It is not the case that I do not want to describe some details of my life.
The point is that it is impossible to clearly define and explain each piece of thought and feeling that appears in my mind. The truth is that I am happy that many people not only do not want to but also cannot describe each detail of their lives. I believe many people like mysteries and ambiguities. Our lives would be dull and mundane without unanswered questions.
That’s why you will never know the whole truth about Adam Mazek, my Dear Friend.
You won’t get it because something like the entire truth about other humans simply does not exist. It would never be enough even if I wrote tonnes of information about my personal life. It is similar to trying to articulate all thoughts and feelings appearing in one’s mind. It is simply impossible to do it. It was Fyodor Dostoyevsky who wrote about it, and he was right. Try, my Dear Friend, to write all the facts and thoughts that appeared in your mind throughout the day you read this text. Undoubtedly, you will write many great things. Still, I do not believe you will write everything you want to register. I will finish this writing. I will go to sleep. That’s the detail of my life today.