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Do we live in the same climate zone?

I heard the titled question while doing street photography on the 22nd of January, 2023, when it was 2 degrees Celsius (35,6 degrees Fahrenheit) outside.

Adam Mazek Photography 2020. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Do we live in the same climate zone?" Minimalism.

There was still snow lying on the ground. One day earlier, there was quite heavy snowfall in Warsaw. Who asked me the titled question? A woman living in my block of flats. What did I answer to her? I smiled and said 

Perhaps we don’t live in the same climate zone.

It is not the first time strangers have commented on how I walk and do street photography in frigid temperatures. Do I care about what they say? Of course not. I frequently see that when couples see me, they stop talking with each other, and we pass each other in silence. I always smile in my mind when something like this happens. As I wrote before, I also smiled at my neighbor and myself after hearing whether we live in the same climate zone. Perhaps living in a climate zone could be only a matter of state of mind. For example, when it is cold outside (e.g., the temperature mentioned at the beginning of this writing), I know and feel it is freezing for most people.

Still, this coldness does not affect my body.

Ok, after walking in summer clothes for almost two hours, my fingertips hurt. It means that frigid temperatures affect my body, but not in the same power as other people. How is it possible? Undoubtedly, it is thanks to the Wim Hof method, who recommended taking cold showers. I have done it for almost two years (since April 2021). Do I plan to continue this activity? Yes, of course, I plan to do it until my death, whether I live in the future in Poland, the United States of America, in the Arctic Circle, or near the equator.

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