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Donation for the local public library.

It was the 30th of June, 2022, the middle or even the apogee of the heatwave. On this day, I decided to make a donation to the local public library.

I had been thinking about it for a long time. I was considering selling some of my books. Still, I’ve decided I won’t take money for part of my book collection. I will donate them to the local public library. Undoubtedly, by doing it, I would help my local society. I think it is simple vanity telling me to keep books on our shelves, even if I had already read some of them and others I started to read. Still, I know I won’t finish them because I have more exciting books to read. The best thing I can do is to share books for free with the local community.

I hope some anthologies will inspire others to positively change their lives.

By doing it, I would regain some free space on our shelves to buy other books. The truth is that I had to make up a decision. Some of the books I would give away I’ve already started reading. Still, there are books I know I won’t finish reading. Keeping these books on shelves is useless, knowing they can help others. Let other people enjoy these books. Hope I will help at least one soul by donating these books. You will find the image of these books in this post’s featured image.

Most of these books are in the English language.

Perhaps some pupils or students would use them to learn English? I hope so. I want to help someone by sharing books for free via the local public library. Undoubtedly, donating books is one of the best things I could do regarding my private book collection. Enough writing for today. I get back to reading.

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