When I changed my job last time, I realized that easiness bores me to death.
In my previous job, I had many things: daily rhythm, convenience, familiar environment, and processes. Moreover, I could do street photography and write texts after my job almost effortlessly. Why? Because I did not have overtime. The work was stable. It was so steady that I wanted to change it. I think it was too easy, and I needed more challenges. While analyzing all these things, I realized that easiness bores me to death. I want a challenging job. What I want is to develop, face challenges and earn more money. At the same time, I want to extend my passion, even if it is more difficult for me. I started to appreciate it much more when I knew I had less energy and time for my hobby. I want more than easy convenience and routine. The truth is that I enjoy challenges while having fun facing them.
I do not seek a steady job position. I want obstacles that can only harden me.
Of course, I know I can lose. Still, even if I fail and decline, I will get up and fight with myself repeatedly. How happy I am that I live with my beloved Kamilka, who always supports me in my daily activities. While knowing I have such tremendous support, I can move mountains. Easiness is dull. I want to live fully, not exist as someone afraid of one’s own shadow. I have no doubts that intermittent fasting and cold showers helped me become more robust. Undoubtedly, I do not feel scared for the next day. I wait for it with my head raised high with a smile. Ok, I will finish this writing. I will go to bed, hug my beloved Kamilka, and take sleep, waiting for the next day ahead of me. I cannot wait for it!
I wrote this text on the 11th of August, 2022.