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Eat & sleep.

The “Eat & sleep” slogan paraphrases one of the advertisements I saw at the Polish petrol station.

Adam Mazek Photography 2020. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Eat & sleep." Minimalism. Shadow. Selfie.

The ad’s slogan sounded like this: “Eat & go.” When I read it, I wondered whether ads want to kill other drivers. For me, it is evident that after eating, one wants to sleep, not drive. I wrote this text on the 30th of December, 2022. It was a day when I was driving in a car for three hours. The only things I drank were water and coffee. I know I would not sleep immediately after eating, but, in general, food makes people sleepy. Still, the more I do intermittent fasting, the more I am shocked at how Big Food companies and their messages manipulate people.

I was writing this text knowing that I was starting the third experiment regarding eating.

Again, like the first experiment, it will last 48 hours. I plan to eat and drink everything, including processed food, with candies and alcohol at the forefront. I do these experiments mainly due to social issues. Like many people, I wanted to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s Eve with mass consumption of everything we can buy in malls in Poland. For 48 hours, I will change myself into a mindless consumer.

Still, when I return to my office work, I will return to my stable way of eating, which is intermittent fasting (eating between 7 p.m. and 12 p.m.). Before returning to it, I plan to do the fourth experiment, similar to the second one. I plan to fast for 48 hours. Perhaps I will manage to do it longer. I do not know what the future holds. OK, I will finish writing this text. I will go with my beloved Kamilka to the restaurant. The truth is that I hope 2023 will be as good as the ending one! I do not intend to add “Eat & sleep” or “Eat & go” slogans to my new lifestyle.

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