The last time I heard the phrase “Eat what you love.”
Today (I wrote this text on the 8th of April, 2023), I must admit it. I love animals and eating meat, with beef and pork at the forefront. I know that my text will be controversial for many people, with vegetarians at the forefront. Still, what do I do when I love eating what I love and cannot imagine a meal without meat? The meat is proper for my health and well-being. I simply know and feel it. Did I mention in one of the previous posts that I love eating eggs? I love eggs because they are delicious and can be prepared in various ways. In some of my earlier posts, I mentioned that my beloved Kamilka and I have a sweet little kitty named Azorek.
Could I eat a cat? Of course not.
Still, I want to stress that I love him. In the same way, I loved my doggy Dinka (Miniature Schnauzer), who was living with my beloved parents and me for ten years (between 1995 and 2005). Of course, I would not eat dogs either. I know that farming animals are not an ecological way to handle and care for our planet. Moreover, I know that animals, in many cases, are not appropriately treated before they are slaughtered.
I know for many people, it is unethical to eat an animal. Still, what do I do when I feel I need meat for my health and well-being? Taking care of myself is also like caring for the Earth and the Universe. After all, the cosmos is within all of us. I do not write all these things ironically. Do not get me wrong, my Dear Friend. In today’s post, I want to stress that I eat what I love. Simply. Loving cats and dogs won’t prevent me from consuming beef, pork, and poultry.