Enjoy the process – it is my artistic credo.
A photographic style is less important than many people believe. The crucial thing regarding photography is to enjoy the process. Finding a photographic style should not be the ultimate goal regarding artistic photography. I believe we should not do it at all costs. My old photographs from Facebook inspired me to write this text. I published them on my private account between 2013-2016. Some of the pictures I took before this period. After I posted them, they were visible only to my Facebook friends.
After launching the www.adammazek.com website, I hid all these images from everyone.
Today (I wrote this text on the 25th of May, 2022), all people can see them. When I rediscovered these photos once again for myself, I realized one thing. The crucial thing regarding photographing is to merely enjoy it. Now I see that I was relishing taking photos throughout my whole life. I see nothing wrong in presenting my old pictures taken from times before I launched my blog and elaborated my own photographic style.
Of course, I encourage you, my Dear Friend, to seek your unique artistic voices.
Still, the older I am, the more I see that the creative process counts. I want to encourage you, my Dear Friend, to enjoy the process. For example, in some of the pictures published on my private Facebook profile between 2013-2016, I see motifs similar to those I show today on my blog. Undoubtedly, the photographic artistic school helped me in finding my creative voice. Another conclusion is that we do not need to travel to take great photos. For many years I was convinced I must travel to take great shots. I was wrong. Today, the more I walk and do street photography around my neighborhood, the more I feel that the best pictures I will do are probably in Warsaw. I believe that the best is yet to come regarding taking photos.
In conclusion, I want to state: enjoy the process of taking pictures, my Dear Friend. Your unique photographic style will come up sooner or later. Still, do not bother yourself too much with this issue. Just have fun!
Photos presented in this post are taken from my photo walking from the period mentioned at the beginning. Still, I did not publish them on my private Facebook account.