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Evening walkings in frigid temperatures.

I wrote this text on the 2nd of February, 2022. It was the day I realized that evening walkings in frigid temperatures became my daily winter habit.

Is that mean that I did not practice evening walkings in frigid temperatures earlier? Of course, I’d been taking evening walks during wintertime many times throughout my entire life. Still, winter 2021/2022 was when I started exposing my body (by walking in summer clothes) to frigid temperatures during evening walks. Sometimes I go for a walk with my beloved Kamilka, but more frequently, I go alone. I did not start to take selfies while my lonely walking from the very beginning, but I began to take them on the 23rd of January, 2022. The truth is that I started these walks earlier, that is, in November 2021. How happy I am that I received a new stimulus for developing my body, heart, and soul by cooling down on winter evenings.

While most people hide from coldness, take books, blankets, and hot tea, and rest in their warm houses, I go the opposite.

I challenge myself by walking in summer clothes (including the t-shirt). Walking and taking freezing cold showers are not comfortable for me anymore. Undoubtedly, these activities are challenging. Every time I do if I feel that I must fight with myself to overcome the fear and pain connected with coldness. Is it worth doing it? Yes, it is. You will find much information about the benefits of exposing one’s body to cold on the Internet. I do not relax as that much during these walkings or take showers as before I started having contact with freezing coldness. Indeed, it is hard to name contact with cold as a relaxing activity.

Still, I want to encourage you, my Dear Friend, to start exposing yourself to the cold. Do not be afraid. It hurts. Still, thanks to this pain, we grow stronger. Be tough, my Dear Friend, towards yourself, not other people. Do it by leaving your comfort zone and challenging yourself with coldness. I intuitively feel it is worth doing it.

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