The title of this post is cliche. Still, every day, indeed, is the most important.
Every time I wake up, I try to remind myself of the title of this text. After all, does everything that was and already happened yesterday matter at all? Is the future as important as most of us tend to think? After all, we do not know what the future holds. We can imagine it in the tens of possible ways. Still, life likes to bring unexpected scenarios that won’t match any predicted ones. That’s why every day is the most important. I believe we all should focus 95% on our current happenings, doings, events, and activities. For instance, when I’m having a conversation, I try to be fully present and listen without thinking about what I’m going to say next. We should not direct our focus and distract on the past and future.
The first is gone forever. The latter one can never come.
I wrote many times on the blog that when I walk and do street photography, I feel like I live here and now without analyzing the past or planning and overthinking the future. Living in the current moment, for me, means fully engaging in the present task or experience, without letting your mind wander to the past or future. Also, when it is cold outside, and I walk in summer clothes, the feeling of coldness also reminds me that I should only worry about how to survive in the current moment. I believe most people pay too much attention to the past and future, forgetting they should be simply happy that they live in the current moment.
Many of them feel alive only during the weekends (when they do not have to work) or while traveling (when they are separate from their mundane reality). I was similar to them some years ago before I realized that happiness is a choice and that the phrase “every day is the most important” is not a cliche but a pure fact. The truth is that I do not want to live sinking in unfulfilled hopes and dreams. I want to live here and now and cherish whatever faith will bring to me.