I sometimes imagine how it looks like being famous, recognizable on the street person. I think about it probably from pure vanity. The truth is that I more often think about fame as something disturbing in my passion.
What can I do if such thoughts appear in my mind? I am convinced that the best I can do is write about it and let my thoughts stay forever for posterity.
Nevertheless, after imagining something like I am a celebrity, I quickly bring myself to the ground. Why? Because such universal recognition (e.g., in Polish society) would undoubtedly disturb my photographic activity. It would make my passion more challenging to do daily. It would distract me. I have already written about the fact that the crowd does not necessarily serve me. What are the conclusions of the first part of my post?
Conclusions are simple: I do not want fame. Speaking shortly: I do not need it. I cannot imagine my life fulfilled with everything that goes with recognition.
I do not expect interviews, vernissages, meetings with fans, etc. Is that mean that I do not respect my visitors who are here on this website? Or maybe I do not appreciate the ones who were at my photography exhibition? Of course not. I have already written about the audience. The audience is one of the essential parts of the artistic activity. Nevertheless, the fact is that all events connected with fame would be a big distraction for me.
I believe that if I had to become a celebrity, my productivity would drop out.
Also, I afraid that I “would have to” drink alcoholic drinks with other people. Unfortunately, alcohol does not help me in writing. I do not have as many new ideas in my head as while being sober. I am not like Charles Bukowski. Famous American writers could drink all day long and still write novels or poetry. I am a contradiction to him.
In general, to keep my artistic activity, I need a peaceful life without crowds, fans shouting, and so on. I do not want to be recognizable on the streets. I prefer to focus only on my passion. Speaking shortly: I do not need fame.