The idea for today: you have to feel warm to appreciate the cold.
In many previous posts, I wrote how healthy and deliberating is cold. I will never change my mind in this term. Still, I have another opinion for you, my Dear Friend. You have to feel warm to appreciate the cold. Since I started regularly taking cold showers, that is, since April 2021, I have had many periods regarding my attitude towards coldness. One of them was that I wanted to be in as long as possible state of being cold.
What did it exactly mean?
It meant that I could go to the car while it was 8 degrees Celsius (46,4 degrees Fahrenheit) outside, turn on the air condition to the minimal temperature and drive to my office job and back. In this case, I did not get warm in the car. Contrary, sitting in such an environment only cooled down my body. Later on, after arriving at my office job, I did not keep warm my room, but I was frequently ventilating it.
In this case, after coming out of the office and starting to walk in low temperatures in the t-shirt, I did not feel such a powerful state of euphoria as I would get out of the warm place.
Now I hope that you understand, my Dear Friend, the title of this post. I had to experience all these things in my body to realize that I had to feel warm to appreciate the cold. Today (I wrote this post on the 16th of November, 2021), I try to start my photo walk in a warm place. To feel the euphoria of exposing the body to coldness, there is no better to start from a warm place. That’s why I do not cool down my car or room in the office anymore.
I wrote this text on the 16th of November, 2021.