The Who’s song “Baba O’Riley” inspired me to write this post. To be more precise, one quotation about the fight.
Which fragment of the song exactly inspired me? This one:
I don’t need to fight to prove I’m right.
I’m not too fond of a physical fight. But, the fact is that in 2005, I was practicing Muay-Thai arguments in one of the fight-club in Warsaw. For a long time (that is until I was swimming, without a break, for one hour and forty minutes), these pieces of training which I received there were the most exhausting physical experience of my youth.
Nevertheless, I gave up training after four months. I had to study for the exams, so I did not have time to do it.
Also, I realized that this kind of exercise could harm the brain and mind. It was the time that I realized that I did not need a physical fight to prove anything to anyone. The physical battle undoubtedly was not my way to lead my life. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it, and I admire people who devote their lives to fighting on the ring, for example.
Of course, I know that The Who’s song tells us about warfighting. Speaking shortly: I am against any wars.
Nevertheless, I possess my tool to fight. I am convinced that you know what I mean, my Dear Friend. Of course, my weapon for the fight is art. I want to change the world, thanks to my photography. My dream is to inspire other people to focus on their lives in creation. It is the fight for which we can devotee our existence. Creating art is one of the most peaceful kinds of combat. There is no better way to express yourself and change the world than to make art.
I am convinced that the British band The Who would tell you the same.