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Fight for yourself.

In this post, I want to inspire you, my Dear Friend, to fight for yourself. How can we fight for ourselves?

We can do it by doing many things. I would name some of them as below. I want to encourage you to do the following things. Reading. Writing. Creating. Developing your passion. Do not give up! Take care of your mind, body, and soul. Sketch and draw. Sing. Dance. Jump. Sculpt. Do not rest on one’s laurels. Eat deliberately. I genuinely recommend intermittent fasting. Walk. Run. Do push-ups. Do in-house sports. Stretch your muscles. Swim. If you believe in something, do not give up. Take care of your beloved ones. Love them.

Do not forget about your friends and relatives.

Be nice to other people. What goes around comes around. Work hard as you can, but only if you believe in your work. Do not focus on money. Sleep as much as you can. Never forget to take proper rest. The latter one is perhaps more important than hardworking. Take pictures! Speaking shortly: fight for yourself!

Is this post strictly motivational? Perhaps, it is.

What fits me does not have necessarily provide the solution to other people. Nevertheless, I merely want to inspire you, my Dear Friend, to fight for yourself. I believe that you intuitively will know better what’s good for you. The truth is that I know what things are the best for me, to fight for my mind, body, and soul. In my life, I want to focus on my beloved Kamilka and my Parents, whom I also love.
Moreover, I am to focus not only on my job as an accountant but also on providing a lot of content here, on the website. Indeed, art is symbolically a part of my life, thanks to which I fight for myself. By creating new things (e.g., new editions of “Diaries” or works like “Trees”), I want to remain in the memory of posterity for a really long time.

Fight for yourself because today can be the last day of your life.

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