Get up because today can be your life’s first or last day.
Every day, we get up, and we can find hundreds of reasons not to be happy and lie in bed for the whole day. Undoubtedly, all of us have our problems, concerns, and issues. I think it is pretty human and normal to sometimes have enough of every problem and just disappear or escape to seclusion or travel in time, in our imagination, to find happiness somewhere else, in a distant time and space. We tend to worry about the future and open up wounds of the past, forgetting we live here and now. The most crucial moment of your life is now; that is when you read this text and all others that will happen within the next few minutes.
I believe we can get up and find (straight after opening our eyes after sleep) at least a few reasons to be happy.
If you tell me you do not have reasons to live, I bet you are wrong. Ok, I know some people fight against depression. Still, I am not a psychiatrist, and I do not give advice to ill people. Sick ones, undoubtedly, should go to the doctor. I direct this text to healthy people, who sometimes can doubt everything they face and experience. We are all just simple humans, not demigods. We all have many moments of dispiritedness.
Still, I know everyone always finds a reason to get up and face reality, no matter how hard it is. I encourage you, my Dear Friend, to focus on reasons to get up, not to lie down the whole day in bed (unless you had a really tiring week at your job and simply want to do nothing). Choose happiness, not despondency. I always try to do it, even though I do not always win with myself.