Today (I wrote this text on the 16th of December, 2023), it was a gloomy day in Warsaw.
Does it mean I was unhappy because of a gloomy day? No. Walking among grey, mundane reality in Warsaw’s visually dreary day, I felt tremendous joy. Indeed, seemingly, it was a day like any other for me and Warsaw’s inhabitants. But was the gloomy day the same as all the others? No. Every day I wake up, I wonder what impressions Warsaw will bring to me today. The same is true with writing. Every day I wake up, I wonder what my mind, fed by Warsaw’s murky reality, will tell me to write.
I do not have to mention when I walked in summer clothes (including the and did street photography on the 16th of December, 2023, I was also exposing my body to cold.
It was 6 degrees Celsius (42.8 degrees Fahrenheit). People stared at me with dismay and disbelief. Did I feel awkward seeing their reactions? No. I felt tremendous joy freezing my body on the gloomy day of the last month of 2023. I don’t care if the day is short, dark, cold, and dreary. I try to enjoy each day, no matter the circumstances. Of course, I am only a human. My brain is imperfect. It is impossible to be in a euphoric state all the time. Still, the older I am, the more I feel I simply love Warsaw’s grey, “ugly” mundane reality in mid-December.
The truth is the shortest, the darkest day of the year is still yet to come. How happy I am that I no longer wait for the long spring and summer days because I can find tremendous joy during dreary days, not only thanks to street photography but also thanks to exposing my body to cold. The gloomier the day, the happier I am!