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Here and now.

How to live here and now?

Adam Mazek Photography 2021. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Here and now." Minimalism.

I do not know how to live here and now. Still, I believe I found some clues on how to do it. Indeed, what I know is that exposing the body to cold will help to live here and now. For many years, I thought I needed beers to live here and now. I believed that only when I was drunk a little bit I could enjoy the present moment. I do not know from where I gained such strange “knowledge.” How wrong I was! I am older today (I wrote this text on the 13th of February, 2023). And I am OK with that. Indeed, I feel enormous enjoyment when I walk in freezing temperatures. Several days ago, I wrote inspiration for this text while doing street photography in freezing temperatures. When I do it, I just know I must survive the cold.

I feel pain in my fingertips. When it happens, I feel I am still alive.

Undoubtedly, there is no better way to live here and now than by thinking of how to survive the next few minutes. I think a similar case is with working out and intermittent fasting. Speaking shortly, stressing one’s body in a controlled way provides the feeling that one lives not in the past nor the future. Endorphins’ bustling is happening throughout doing all these things. Doing sports is popular these days. Still, exposing the body to cold and intermittent fasting is somewhat unpopular.

While writing about all these things, I started to wonder why.

I have some ideas, and I mentioned them in my previous posts. In general, I would say most people want to stay on the couch in a warm and cozy place and eat every day. Undoubtedly, this is different from how the human species evolved throughout the millennial ages. Speaking shortly: I can easily imagine our prehistoric ancestors ate rarely, had to move more frequently, and often had to feel cold, e.g., while crossing cold rivers.

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