Yesterday (on the 5th of June, 2022), the Sun King came to Poland.
Does it mean John Lennon sang the Beatles’ “Sun King” song? Or, the French King Louis XIV resurrected and appeared in my house? No. It means that I was doing street photography yesterday while it was hot outside. The temperature was 27 degrees Celsius (80,6 degrees Fahrenheit). It was the first day in 2022 when I had to wear a cap during my photo walk.
Was I angry about the weather and that I was sweating? No. I try not to be mad about something I cannot influence anyhow. I would say that I was trying to enjoy the heatwave as much as possible. How? By memorizing one thing. I wrote about it in the past in the post entitled “Here Comes the Sun.” I noted there that when I expose my body to frigid temperatures, I try to imagine the hot sun burning my skin. It helped somehow. Simultaneously, while I was walking in the hot temperatures, I tried to imagine that I was walking in the freezing cold.
That’s how I was trying to cope with the Sun King. The truth is that when I felt the burning sun yesterday, I tried to imagine one thing.
It was the conviction that to appreciate cold, one must feel hot. Moreover, I believe it is crucial to one’s body to feel the sun’s rays warming the whole body. Of course, I am glad I do not do it 365 days a year. The heatwaves occur in Poland mainly between June and August. Luckily, in 2022, there were no hot days in April and May. The Sun King was probably still sleeping during this period. I hope he will sleep sooner than later, straight after summer. Still, for today (I wrote this text on the 6th of June, 2022), I must prepare for burning sun rays while doing street photography.