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How happy I am.

Last time I noticed that in my texts, I have often started to use the phrase “How happy I am.” Undoubtedly, I do it because I am joyful.

Why am I happy? There are many reasons for this. First of all, I live with my charming Kamilka. I cannot imagine living without her. I love you, my darling. Secondly, I have tremendous parents whom I also love. The truth is that I am truly grateful for everything they have done for me. It is thanks to them I am who I am. I am happy because I have great friends with whom I can always talk and spend leisure time. Still, due to the artistic profile of my blog, in today’s text, I will focus on my creative activity. I am glad that I live thanks to my passion. The core of it you can find here, on the website. How happy I am that I do street photography, write new texts, and prepare “Diaries” and collections of pictures (e.g., “Negation of the End” or “Ostensible Abstraction”).

These creative activities helped me develop skills that I thought I did not have. How wrong I was.

In this post, I want to stress two other things that, undoubtedly, made me happier. I have already written about them many times. Still, if you are for the first time on this blog, you must read it. Both doing intermittent fasting and taking cold showers helped me increase my life’s satisfaction. I feel healthier, more robust, and younger thanks to doing these things. How happy I am that Kamilka “discovered” these two things. First for herself, and then, she passed her enthusiasm to me. I know that there will be many sad or even tragic events in my life. It is an inseparable part of our existence. Still, I hope to retain a high level of happiness in my heart until the end of my life.

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