This post’s title is a quote from Eric Burdon and The Animals’ song “Sky Pilot.”
I can fly so high in my imagination that sometimes I am glad what I see is a product of my inventiveness. How happy I am that YouTube’s AI algorithms recommended me the “Sky Pilot” song. I think it happened after listening to another Eric Burdon and The Animals song entitled “When I Was Young.” The truth is that throughout my lifetime, I knew only their one tune, “The House Of The Rising Sun.” Today (I wrote this text on the 7th of October 2022), I think I should delve deeper into The Animals’ artistic legacy. Back to the central theme, I believe that in most cases, it depends on ourselves how high we can fly.
Of course, if we were born into a poor family, where famine is regular, and if the country is at war, external factors can prevent us from flying high.
Some cases (e.g., connected with illnesses) deter people from flying high. Still, in most cases (like mine), it is up to us how we can take our chances to become better and more powerful humans. In general, the question of how high we can fly, my Dear Friend, all of us should ask ourselves every morning before starting each day. But what does flying high means for me? For me, it means not only loving others and doing the best in one’s professional job but also doing all the best in things you love, e.g., one’s hobby. If you read my blog, you know what I love to do in my spare time.
Still, for readers who are here for the first in their lives, I will mention that for me something I love to do is:
- street photography;
- writing;
- preparing “Diaries;”
- designing sets of pictures like “Negation of the End” or “Inspired by Tolkien.”
By doing everything mentioned above, I believe I can fly genuinely high.