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I feel the poetry of the streets of Warsaw.

Practically every time I walk along Poland’s capital streets, I feel the poetry of the streets.

I do not know how it happens, but I always feel an enormous influx of endorphins while strolling through Warsaw’s streets. Even if I walk along the same streets almost every day, I feel tremendous joy, almost like a happy child who goes outside to play football with his friends. As long as I possess this specific, childish joy, I am convinced that my photographic adventure will not stop. During all my wanderings, I receive many spectacular thoughts that I can write down on my iPhone. Then, I can develop my ideas for blog posts. This is my poetry of the streets of Warsaw. Roads and paths of Poland’s capital always inspire me to provide new incentives to my blog, that is, to other people, my contemporaries, and future generations.

I do not want to stop. Moreover, I have no idea when I stop all my creative activities.

Preparing “Diaries” and works of art (e.g., “Death”) gave me a new power in terms of the development of my passion. Still, the poetry of the streets of Warsaw provides me an enormous influx of new ideas and inspirations. I cannot imagine life without taking walks on the streets of Warsaw. Is that mean that I do not take inspiration from books, music, paintings, etc.? Of course, not. I love to take incentives from other artists’ artworks. Still, I feel that Warsaw’s paths are my natural habitat. I imagine myself being more than one hundred years old and still walking through the same road as when I was 30. I dream of living like that, with my beloved Kamilka, and my parents, as long as it will be possible. The truth is that I hope that intermittent fasting will help me to live long.

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