Am I vain? Perhaps. Still, I just like to google myself.
What’s my favorite phrase? It is „Adam Mazek Photography.” I merely love to watch how Google displays my photographs on its search engines. Moreover, I like to filter into many categories, including „street photography,” „minimalism,” „abstraction,” and „geometry.” I already wrote that it was, among others, Google’s search engines that inspired me to prepare „The Wall” set of pictures. I believe it is a matter of time before I prepare work entitled „Inspired by Google.” This set of images will include photographs that I already published on the website, and there are smartly presented in groups of pictures in the Google search engine. I’ve already prepared some sets based on Google. I sometimes wonder how the Internet will look within the next one hundred years. I cannot imagine it without Google, but I do not know what the future holds and what will happen with this tech-giant company.
The truth is that I hope that my blog will still be active many years after my death and that future generations will be able to google my pictures in the same way as I do today.
Perhaps someone would have to take care of my website after my death, but for today (I wrote this text on the 6th of May, 2022), I do not overthink this issue. I prefer to focus on broadly defined creation, including doing street photography, writing new texts, and preparing subsequent „Diaries’” editions and sets of pictures like „Negation of the End” or „Big Brother.” Work „Inspired by Google,” which is still in its seed, undoubtedly, would be another brick in the wall that will help me to remain and endure in future generations’ memories, including World Wide Web. Ok, I will stop writing this post. I will get back to watching my photos in the Google search engine.