The longer I do intermittent fasting, the more I feel insatiability is a natural state of the human body and mind. This approach to eating has not only improved my health but also deepened my understanding of our natural hunger patterns.
I wrote this text on the 11th of March, 2024. It was a day when we returned from a two-day weekend trip to Kazimierz Dolny. For 48 hours, my beloved Kamilka and I feasted. We ate whatever we wanted and even drank a few beers. During that time, I realized that satiety is not a natural state of the human mind and body. It is insatiability that should occur every day in all our bodies. I think modern people have forgotten about it. Mindless consumerism rules. Capitalism, money earning, and spending, often for food, are something that makes people want to live. Still, they do not know most of their problems; that is, all civilization diseases come from overeating and eating shitty processed food.
I could feast for the next 48 hours, but I do not want to do it.
While writing this text, it was my second hour of fasting. Undoubtedly, I won’t eat anything for the next 48 hours. My body must get rid of the shitty (still tasty) food. Detox is something I desire. I know my attitude towards food is unpopular. After all, eating is a pleasure. Who wants to get rid of such a pleasure by oneself? By that rationale, we should also avoid working out (after all, physical training, running, weightlifting, and swimming are a body’s stressors) and cold (who likes coldness?). The older I am, the more I feel we should go against the grain.
The issues with insatiability and exposing the body to cold are great examples.
Why did I not mention working in the last sentence? Luckily, it is because working out has become widespread (I suppose it happened mainly because it was [and still is!] recommended to “burn calories”), and it is evident that stressing one’s body by destroying muscles (organism “builds” muscles during sleep, not during working out) is healthy. Still, I do not recommend counting calories of how much you ate and how much you burnt them. Do intermittent fasting, my Dear Friend, and befriend with the insatiability. Undoubtedly, it will improve the overall health and quality of your life. Do not ruin your organism by overeating shitty food (with alcohol and sweets at the forefront).