While watching on Youtube Beastie Boys’ video clip, named “Intergalactic,” I realized one thing.
What thing is that? I am convinced that I subconsciously took inspiration to create my short science fiction story, named “Earth Wars,” not only from the work of StanisÅ‚aw Lem. The fact is that the Beastie Boys’ music video, “Intergalactic,” also provided me a lot of incentives. I saw this music video for the first time in the late 1990s. Since then, I have seen it many times. I already mentioned that I imagine “Earth Wars” movie, as a B-class movie, based on a photo stills, published in the form of an e-book. This B-class movie I would see in the convention similar to the Beastie Boys music video.
The plot of the two-mentioned-above screenplays would be quite similar. Civilization from outer space is landing on Earth. Here, they have some adventures and fighting.
In “Intergalactic” music video, the visitors from the cosmos are rescuing people. On the other hand, in my e-book, people are present as aggressive creatures who attack the unknown for them space civilization, because they do not understand them. In “Earth Wars,” people believe that aliens came in a hostile intention. Thus, they attack them, and Boxoids (the name of Aliens) have to ask for support for their companions. Sounds silly? Perhaps.
Nevertheless, visually I can imagine this movie in a similar, naive, and kitsch style as “Intergalactic” music video.
Do I possess the hope that someone will try to create such a crazy movie? I think that it will not happen during my lifetime. Probably someone will do it, but one hundred years after my death. For today, I am focusing on photographing, writing, and creating “Diaries.” I love to do all this stuff to create new things, and that’s the most crucial factor regarding my passion. Whether I become a worldwide famous artist, like Beastie Boys, does not matter for me at all.