The answer to the titled question is like this: theoretically, yes. In practice: no, it is not possible to continually watch the sunset.
In this post, I will try to explain to you, my Dear Friend, both answers. Undoubtedly, humans cannot continually see the sunset while being on Earth. We all know that our speed of movement is too slow to do the titled challenge. Nevertheless, the curious fact is that planet Venus rotates so slowly, at 6,52 km/h (4,05 mph), that we could stroll across Venus’ surface at the same speed as the Sun passes through its sky. According to Edward Brooke-Hitching’s “Sky Atlas” book, this means that we can watch the sunset forever just by walking. Isn’t it a fantastic idea? When I read this, I suddenly started to imagine how it would look like to watch the sunset from planet Venus while walking.
A few moments later, I reminded myself that Venus is one of the most unpleasant places to live for humans. Why?
Because its dense, heavy atmosphere would have crushed us immediately. Or, we could be earlier boiled up by the planet’s average temperature of 460 Celsius degree (860 Fahrenheit degree). Now I am convinced that you know, my Dear Friend, that theoretically we could observe the sunset continually while walking. This vision seems magical and almost divine. Still, when we try to imagine Venus’ poisonous, thick atmosphere, made up of carbon dioxide (a suffocating gas that would kill all living creatures if it was breathed in), we would rather not see the sunset from Venus. The Universe is a magical place where many things and processes are occurring. Most of these phenomenons humans are unable to notice and understand. Still, I believe that humans’ journey, named science, which often crosses its path with art, is one of the most breathtaking experiences people can understand.