Today (I wrote this text on the 10th of January, 2024), I will write something about learning and teaching.
Undoubtedly, one of the best ways to learn is to read, talk with other people, and travel. The truth is that I want to learn by reading books and talking with people, and I want to teach by writing and speaking. Does it mean I do not want to travel? No. It means I do not have to travel to realize my soul. For many years, I thought one had to travel to take great pictures. How wrong I was! Today, I know I took one of the best pictures near my home in Warsaw. That’s why, in terms of learning, I want to focus on reading and talking with others. On the other hand, I believe I have something meaningful to share.
That’s why I write. It is not the case I am the best writer in the world.
No. I believe the writer is within us all. There is no better option (besides speaking to others) to teach others something meaningful. Today, I want to teach you, my Dear Friend, that you can also teach others by writing. By sharing our knowledge, we become part of a larger learning community, connected by our shared experiences and insights.
Moreover, you are a free man: you can walk, do street photography, and express yourself creatively in various, practically unlimited ways.
The only limit is your imagination. It is challenging to devote one’s most free time to the broad creation process. Still, we can always learn it, no matter how old we are. When I am alone and when I have time for my sweet little “boredom,” I choose learning via reading tremendous books. After doing it, I am usually inspired to write something by myself, so perhaps someone someday will teach something from me. That’s how the learning and teaching process lives deep in my mind, heart, and soul.