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Life is like walking in a maze.

Practically always, one must decide what to do and which way to go. We make decisions all the time.

Adam Mazek Photography 2023. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Life is like walking in a maze." Selfie. Minimalism.

After all, the first decision we make every morning is whether we will get up or not. When we walk in the labyrinth, we must always decide whether to turn left, right, or stop, take a rest, and return. It is easy to get lost both in life and in our minds. Sometimes, we make good choices, sometimes less accurate ones. We often analyze, contemplate, and adjust to our movements and decisions, so sometimes, we need to let go, not wander, turn back, and take a step back to progress in further steps. Sometimes, it may seem to us that we are stuck, that we are wandering and cannot deal with a situation, and that there is no way out of it. The truth is that there is always a way out, even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

Still, some people will never find it, and they can commit suicide because they cannot stand stuck in something, whether in a difficult life situation or in their imagination. Our minds can create some kind of wall that no one will enter.

Moreover, our brains literally resemble a maze. Our minds and imaginations offer endless possibilities. Undoubtedly, there are dead ends, and it is only up to us whether we face hopeless situations with seemingly no way out. Am I straying along my lifeway? Yes. Undoubtedly, most people, sooner or later, meander in a maze called life and mind. Did I make ostensible steps back to be able to move forward in the future? Yes, I did. Did I have to return to some issues in my life or imagination? Yes, it also happened. The older I am, the more I see that we should generally go straight throughout our lives, but our eyes should be wide open. Similarly, we should not be overthinking many topics for too long but do what our intuition tells us. Still, we should always try to find a way out if we get lost.

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