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Adam Mazek Photography Warsaw 2018. Madonna. Faith. Minimalism. Beheaded.

I must admit. Madonna is mine, one of the most favorite female singers. Last time, I discovered her for myself, once again in my life. To be more precise, I re-discovered her first album.

The album’s name is “Madonna.” It was released in 1983. Since that time, as we all know, Madonna became a worldwide recognizable music superstar. Today, she is a female icon of pop culture. She had many breathtaking songs in her career. My favorite albums are those released in the ’80. But, while listening to her first song (“Lucky Star”) on her debutant album, I rediscovered once again in my life her passion and energy as a singer.

When I heard “Lucky Star,” I imagined that I am the person who was living in New York City in 1983 and who was listening to this song for the first time.

I can conceive how Madonna’s future fans were amazed when they heard this song for the first time. When I’m listening to “Lucky Star,” I have energy, passion, and love for Madonna’s artistic skills. We can hear pure enjoyment and involvement in her first song. I can visualize how this song enchanted the first listeners of Madonna.

Indeed, in “Lucky Star,” there is a magic of youth, creation, exhilaration, passion, and engagement. For me, Madonna is having fun, exactly like a kid, with singing. This child wants only to sing in one’s life and do nothing more. Similar feelings I possess with my passion for photography and writing. I dream to maintain so much enjoyment and magic during my broadly defined artistic activity as Madonna owns in her debutant album. Also, I believe that being honest with art creation and being in a heavenly state of mind while creating are the key factors to succeed in art. I hope to remain in the artistic, magic, and childish, creative state of mind until the end of my life. The same thing, my Dear Guest, I wish to you.

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