Hello, my Dear Friend,
Today I want to share some of my photographs with you. It is possible that most of my posts on this blog will be similar to this one. To be honest, as it happens in my daily routines, there will be nothing unique or breathtaking on this blog. There will be private thoughts about art, culture, philosophy, and life as a whole. These thoughts I will decorate with my pictures.
Fortunately, I do not have any compelling forces to attract you to come back here, on my website. I am not able to force you to stop once again for a while and read what I have to say. Nevertheless, it is not important at all. I think that very essential for every human being is to find a peaceful and quiet place. This place not necessarily should be hidden somewhere, in physical terms but I am writing about our souls, mind, and heart. I want to find such a place in my inner soul.
I hope you will also find such a world. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you that, my Dear Friend.
Have a beautiful day,