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Me, myself, and I.

I know who is my biggest opponent. It is me, myself, and I.

By changing my job, leaving warm and comfortable corporate employment, and moving into the unknown, I proved to myself that stepping out of one’s comfort zone is stressful. It hurts. Nevertheless, I am convinced that one must face the unknown, fears, and adversity to grow by fighting against oneself. After all, I know who is my worst enemy. It is me, myself, and I. The only things I can influence 100% are my doings and activities. The worst thing I could do to myself is to stop believing in myself. It regards not only my work in finance. It relates to my artistic passion. The truth is that I cannot imagine living without walking and doing street photography, writing, and preparing “Diaries.”

I already wrote that I believe in myself and all my creative doings.

Still, I know that I must fight hard with myself for a better tomorrow. I must do it hard to feel pain. Discomfort is necessary to develop. Without distress, we do not learn. I must get out of bed and my comfort zone daily to become stronger. Symbolically, I do it by taking cold showers. Sometimes I resist before I do that. Periodically I think I may take a lukewarm shower or even a warm one today.

You know what, my Dear Friend? I never surrendered.

I wrote this text on the 4th of August, 2022. The truth is that I have taken cold showers for one year and four months. I have no doubts that symbolic pain can help overcome many obstacles one’s mind can provide. I believe that other people are not my enemies. What I must do is transform my mind to be able to cope and work with them. Other people are not a problem for me. The issue is to subjugate my thoughts and feelings.

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