Tip no. 1
Taking good pictures is not an easy task. Probably, we all are aware of this fact. Moreover, I suppose that, if someone would ask a question: “How to make good pictures?”, most of us would answer that we should have a good camera.
I am sure that it is the wrong answer.
First of all, the camera is not taking photos. It is the photographer who makes pictures. The starting point of creating photographs are the processes which take place in the artist’s mind. All these biochemical issues are quite difficult for me to explain. Maybe biologists would have something smarter to say about it.
Nevertheless, I am confident that it is the imagination, which creates the image.
The camera is only the tool thanks to which we can “save” the image which appeared in our mind. So back to the theme: how can we take better pictures?
I think that the clue lies in the word: minimalism.
Unlike paintings, photographs belong to this kind of Art where less means more. First of all, start your adventure with photography not by buying “the best” cameras but by trying to create minimalistic pictures. This exercise will not cost you a fortune, and it will only force you to think, to activate your imagination. I am sure that by doing this, you will start to make progress. Do not believe manufacturers who produce the cameras, that if you buy their product, you will begin to make better photos.
The solution is in your head, in your brain, in your imagination.
Minimalize your pictures. There is almost 100% of chances that if you start to reduce the number of objects in your frame, you will begin to make progress in your photography.
Remember that by keeping your pictures simple, the viewer surely will appreciate your artwork more, than if you put in your image’s frame a lot of objects. It will be more readable for him.
To be continued.